Precious Woods Amazon
Productivity loss but profitability gain
The production volume in the first half-year was 14 953 m3 of sawn timber, 5.8 % lower than in the previous year (15 873 m3). A limited supply of logs in June caused a decline in sawmill activity. The new harvesting season began at the end of June, ensuring the supply of logs.
Net sales PWA
EUR million
Net sales were 1.5 % below the previous year, reaching EUR 6.2 million (previous year: EUR 6.3 million). Operating profit (EBITDA) amounted to EUR 1.5 million, representing an improvement of EUR 0.3 million (previous year: EUR 1.2 million). This resulted in an operating profit margin of 24.5 % (previous year: 19.3 %).
In February, two additional smaller saw lines were put into operation. This increases monthly log cutting capacity to 15 000 m3. The permit for the harvest volume for the second half of the year is still pending, because the competent authority was closed for three months. But we are confident that we will receive the permit in time. During the same period of the previous year, a high level of inventory, caused by government inspections, was sold in addition to the normal volume. Sales can therefore be compared only to a limited extent.