4. Group Management
The GM under the leadership of the CEO is responsible for the operational management of the company. The organization, roles and responsibilities of the GM and its members are defined in the bylaws, which are set by the BoD. More information is available on the website (Investor Relations – Corporate Governance).
In the reporting year, the GM consisted of the members:

Fabian Leu (Intl. Executive MB HSG, MSc Intl. Forestry)
Swiss citizen, born in 1986
- Since 1 August 2021 CTO and from 1 July 2023 co-CEO of Precious Woods Group
- Before Technical Consultant of Precious Woods Holding and Managing Director Sawmills Bambidie, PW Gabon

Markus Pfannkuch (Intl. Executive MBA HEC, MSc Intl. Forestry)
German citizen, born in 1982
- Since 1 August 2021 CSO and from 1 July 2023 co-CEO of Precious Woods Group
- Before Technical Consultant of Precious Woods Holding and Forest Manager, PW Gabon

Stéphane Glannaz (Master in Marketing and Intl. Business)
French and Swiss citizen, born in 1972
- Since 1 October 2013, CCO of Precious Woods Group
- Before vice-president of Olam Intl. Ltd. Singapore, Timber Division and Head of Marketing and Sales

Richard Meister
Swiss citizen, born in 1982
- Since 1 October 2023, CFO of Precious Woods Group
- Before Group Controller, Uster Technologies AG, Uster