Report on further progress in social and environmental sustainability
At both locations – Bambidie and Owendo – FSC inspection audits were conducted and again very successfully concluded in 2017. The high level from the previous year was confirmed. Forestry certification according to the PAFC guidelines was also completed. CEB is thus the first company in the Congo Basin to receive double certification.
We are also working on the following projects:
- A new project called “Maison de la Culture” was launched with the goal of offering the village community a platform for holding cultural events. A playground for children and teenagers, which was opened with a ceremony in March 2017, is also integrated into this project. The Maison de la Culture was finished at the end of the year, and installations are now being completed so that it can officially be handed over to the community.
- Numerous training sessions took place for our harvesting teams, and their knowledge and skills in “Reduced Impact Logging” have been improved.
- Training courses for first aid in cooperation with the Red Cross and advanced training of the company fire brigade in cooperation with governmental organizations were organized.
- Cooperation with the Research Institute in Tropical Ecology (IRET) for research on and further development of non-timber products was continued.
- We also continued the Dynafor project in collaboration with Natur+. The goal of this project is to study the dynamic and enrichment of the forest and to gain findings for the future.
- The joint project with the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) was further refined, with the goal of developing a monitoring protocol for surveying and evaluating biodiversity in our concessions. It will include a survey of fauna in future.