Sustainability as our entrepreneurial principle
With its sustainable management of tropical forests, Precious Woods has taken on a challenge of global importance. This was once again made clear at the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris. Sustainable management of tropical forests makes a significant contribution to achieving climate targets. Sustainability means creating economic, environmental, and social added value – for investors, employees, partners and other stakeholders. Depending on the tropical forest region, only one to three trees are harvested per hectare during a cycle (usually every 25 to 35 years). Biologically especially valuable forest areas remain untouched and are protected by Precious Woods. The forest retains its economic value and therefore is hardly at risk of being cleared for other uses, such as agriculture. The activities and services of Precious Woods thus support the long-term protection of the country’s forest ecosystems. Precious Woods can therefore make a valuable contribution, especially in countries with weak governmental institutions, a lack of transparency and inadequate precautions for the protection of forests and biodiversity. From an entrepreneurial perspective, however, political stability, institutional reliability and efficiency are indispensable local conditions for long-term commitment to ensure successful business activity. That is why we are also actively involved in improving the local framework conditions.